понедельник, 11 мая 2020 г.

Задание для 7а,б от 15.05.20 группа Старинец

1) Смотрим обучающее видео 
2) Пользуясь видео опишите в комментариях к публикации последний поход в магазин вашей семьи (что купили, правильный ли выбор сделали, почему да/почему нет)

14 комментариев:

  1. Last time I went to the shор last week. I bought cheese chips and cola zero. The chips turned out to be tasty, but the cola was dietary and not sweet.
    I also bought bacon and it turned out to be very good with scrambled eggs

  2. Так это же вроде уже было задание. Ну ладно.
    Гришко Григорий 7а
    Last time we went to the store a week ago. We bought fresh bread, eggs and other food. I believe that this purchase was necessary because a person needs to eat)

  3. Dad bought a lot of things on his last trip to the store with his family. of course he bought only the right

  4. The last time my family and I went to the store 2 days ago. We bought water, milk, meat, dairy products, fish, eggs and bread. I think we made the right choice because these products are good for health.
    Жидких Маша 7б

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  6. During the quarantine, people make a lot of purchases. The most popular purchases are masks, toilet paper and buckwheat porridge. We go to the store to buy different products: Potatoes, pasta, meat, seafood, household chemicals and appliances, phones. All the products and things we buy because we need them to eat and use them. But sometimes people buy expensive things to stand out from the crowd or just show off to others. Most often we buy unnecessary things, junk, we do not know why we buy it, but we need it, maybe something even useful in everyday life. You can buy food through Internet sites when you are lazy or not strong enough. It is better to think about your purchases before going to the store, to simplify the selection of products as much as possible. The last time we went to the store, we took different cereals, porridge, pasta and potatoes, as well as we went to buy toilet paper, after that we paid for everything with a card and went home by car.

  7. the last time I went to the store yesterday I bought three chocolates a packet of macaroni bread a loaf and a piece of meat. for dinner I had a very delicious steak and for tea there were very delicious chocolates so I almost did not regret that I bought these products Булгаков Павел да да я +_+

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  9. (Я ШУВАЛОВ ИВАН 7a) Last time we went to the shop. We bought bread, milk and cottage cheese. Before buying products, we looked at the expiration date. We also bought cat food. This food was enough for cat for 2 days.

  10. Last week, my parents and I went to the store. We bought meat, milk, vegetables and fruit, as well as cheese. I believe that we made the right choice because all this is healthy and very nutritious. Потехина 7б

  11. Нужин Егор. 7Б
    Last time I went to the store last week. My family bought milk, cereals, cream cheese and bread with a loaf. I believe that we made the right choice, because this is the most necessary in order to sit at home in quarantine
