понедельник, 11 мая 2020 г.

Дом.задание 5б 12.05.2020 группа Шевченко О.И.

1.Смотрим внимательно учебное видео по уроку 9с стр.110


записать новые слова

2.РТ стр.68 упр.2 разобрать

3.Посмотреть презентацию,на последнем слайде дан план, по нему сделать письменно упр.5 стр.110 учебника и прислать до пятницы!!!!!


2 комментария:

  1. 1. My favourite film is akimbo

    2. It is a fantastic.

    Harry Ppoter stars in this film.

    3. This film is about a kill and a cult that recruits psychos.
    4.1st hero a psychopath who had beaten parents 2nd same ordinary man Harry who will not hurt a fly but on the Internet he is a hard Troll
    5. They are ready they rallied to kill the leader and destroy the sect.
    6. This film is exciting and the acting is wonderful (perfect).

    7. I think it`s a must-see for everyone.

  2. 1. My favorite movie-resident evil
    2. This is horror, fentezi.
    Elice plays a major role in this film.
    3. This film is about the war between people and the apocalypse
    4. The main character of this film is very strong and agile.
    5. They are trying to save the world.
    6. This film is fascinating, and the acting is beautiful.
    7. I think it`s a must-see for everyone.
