понедельник, 6 апреля 2020 г.

Урок 80 от 08.04.2020

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Test 8
  1. Match the words.
1. solar                             a. pollution
2. endangered                 b. rubbish
3. factory                          c. power
4. natural                         d. out
5.air,water and soil          e. waste
6. toxic                             f. a pond
7. wipe                            g. habitat
8. clean out                    h. species
9. collect                        i. fumes

2. Complete with the Present Perfect Continuous form of the verb in brackets.
1.People _____________ (pollute) the atmosphere for 100 years.
2.Toxic fumes ____________ (poison) our planet.
3.Air pollution _____________(destroy) the sculpture for 50 years.
4.The tap ____________(leak) since morning.
5.People ______________(think )over green cities issues since they moved.
6.The family_______________ (use )solar power panel to heat the house in winter.
7.My parents _______________(donate) money to WWF for a long time.
8.The eco helpers ________________(plant) the trees all the morning.
9.She_____________( collect) the rubbish to recycle for a week.
10.Engineers _______________(design) the green car.

3. Fill in: have to, don’t have to
You _______________ water the flowers. I’ve done it.
She _______________take the dog for a walk before she leaves.
You _______________ give me a lift. I will walk.
We _______________do something to help the planet.
He _______________go to the desert to see camels. He can see them at the zoo.

4. Fill in the correct question tag
1. She isn’t here, _______________?
2. They live in Paris,______________?
3. The boys are playing football now, ____________?
4. He couldn’t swim when he was three, _____________?
5. Ann and Peter went to the concert hall yesterday, _____________?

5Read the article and choose A, B or C to complete the gaps.
Are we doing enough to protect animals? Animal species are disappearing from our planet fast. Scientists believe that 50 animal species are being wiped out in the wild every day. This happens because they lose their natural 1) _______. Some say that the only way to 2) _______ endangered animals is to place them in a zoo. They claim that zoos keep the animals safe from harm and help 3) _______ their numbers. On the other hand, other people say that zoos can’t 4) _______ an animal’s natural habitat. That’s why we need to focus on protecting their natural environments in the wild. In my opinion, it is difficult to say what is best for our animal friends. I believe that more work should be done to protect animals’ natural habitats. If we all lend a 5) ________, we can work wonders!

A. habitats        B. dangers         C. atmospheres
A. donate         B. protect           C. pollute
A. stop             B. increase         C. gather
A. teach           B. join                 C. replace
A. ear               B. hand               C. foot

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