понедельник, 6 апреля 2020 г.

Урок 77 от 10.04.2020

1) Работаем с текстом Moscow Zoo из раздела Spotlight on Russia стр 10 (читаем, переводим)
2) изучаем презентацию
3)Отвечаем на вопросы и пишем свои ответы в комментариях с обязательным указанием своих ИМЕНИ И ФАМИЛИИ (чтобы оставить комментарий, воспользуйтесь почтой gmail)
или на почту  seba81@bk.ru

Вопросы:(выполнить до 12.04.2020) 

— Do you like going to the zoo?
— Where do you visit a zoo?
— What animals can you see there?

— What do you know about the Moscow Zoo?
— Did you visit the Moscow Zoo?
— What animals did you see there?

—What sections can you find in the Zoo?
— What can you see in each section?

11 комментариев:

  1. Михаил Ермак 6А
    -No, i dont like zoo
    -In St. Petersburg
    -Bears, tigers, fish, monkeys

    -The Moscow zoo is located in the center of Moscow
    -Monkeys, tigers, snakes, fish, lions, leopards, bears
    -Animal Island, playground, aquarium, Night World
    -In Animal Island:Amur tigers, white snow leopard,bears,lions
    In aquarium: A lot of fish
    In Night world you can see night animals since they sleep during the day!

  2. Алексеев сергей 6б. -yes like zoo. -in ST Petersburg. -Bears,LEo, Fish, mankeys. -the Moscow zoo has a lot of animals and it is veri big. -No. -leo,bears ,mankey... -in animal island amur tigr, bears leopard.in aguarium fish.

    1. Ошибки в написании слов, все ответы должны быть полными.
      yes like zoo- набор слов
      Оценка 3

  3. Гонжурова Анастасия 6б
    No,i do not like going in the zoo.
    In St.Petersburg.
    Moskow Zoo is one of the largest in the world.
    Animal island,Amur tigers,white snow leopard,Himalayan bears,Asian lions,Australian emu,Aquarium,Night World

  4. -No,i don't like zoo.
    -ln St.Petersburg.
    -The Moscow zoo situated in the very center of the Russian capital is one of the largest in the world.
    -Amur tigers,white snow leopard,Asian lions,emu,fish.
    -Animal island,playground,aquarium, Night World
    -ln Animal island:Amur tigers, white snow leopard,bears,lions.
    In aquarium:fish
    In Night world you can see night animal since they sleep during the day.
    Лыкова Эвелина 6а

  5. Барабанщикова Вероника 6б
    No,I don’t like zoo.
    In St.Petersburg
    Elephant giraffe tiger lion
    Moskow Zoo is one of the largest in the world.
    ,Amur tigers,white snow leopard,Asian lions,Aquarium,

  6. Степан барановский
    No,I don’t like zoo.
    In St.Petersburg
    Elephant giraffe tiger lion
    Moskow Zoo is one of the largest in the world.
    ,Amur tigers,white snow leopard,Asian lions,Aquarium,
