понедельник, 6 апреля 2020 г.

Урок 77 от 09.04.2020

1) Работаем с текстом Moscow Zoo из раздела Spotlight on Russia стр 10 (читаем, переводим)
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3)Отвечаем на вопросы и пишем свои ответы в комментариях с обязательным указанием своих ИМЕНИ И ФАМИЛИИ (чтобы оставить комментарий, воспользуйтесь почтой gmail)
Группа Обляпиной присылает задания на почту  seba81@bk.ru

Вопросы:(выполнить до 12.04.2020) 

— Do you like going to the zoo?
— Where do you visit a zoo?
— What animals can you see there?

— What do you know about the Moscow Zoo?
— Did you visit the Moscow Zoo?
— What animals did you see there?

—What sections can you find in the Zoo?
— What can you see in each section?

46 комментариев:

  1. I dont like going to the Zoo becouse animals arent in their habitat.Different types of animals you can be seen in the Zoo.I dont visit a Moscow Zoo.

    1. Всего 8 вопросов, слово because написано не верно, you cаn be seen это не верно. Оценка 3

  2. -Yes, this is very interesting.
    -I usually visit the Leningradskiy Zoo
    -Monkeys, pets, polar bears, horses, rabbits, and many more.

    -Moscow zoo covers an area of 21,5 hectares.
    -Tigers, monkey, snakes, giraffe, orangutan, jaguar, alligator and many more.

    -Reptile, Fish, Bird, Mammal.
    -reptile: alligator, turtle, snake.
    fish: white shark, clown fish.
    Bird: owl, flamingo, penguin, crane, emu
    Mammal: hyena, lion, zebra, bear, Hedgehog, lynx, goat, gnu.
    Ефременко Максим 6В

  3. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  4. I like going to the zoo. I usually visit the Saint Petersburg Zoo. I can see monkeys, tigers, snakes there.

    Moscow Zoo is one of largest in the world! The Moscow Zoo covers an area of 21,5 hectares which is home to 6000 of 1001 different species. I didn't visit The Moscow Zoo.
    I can see monkeys, lions, bears and snow leopard in the Moscow Zoo.
    I can see Aquarium, Animal island and Exotarium in the Moscow Zoo.
    Aquarium is full of colourfull fish.
    You can see Amur tigers, a white snow leopard, Himalayan bears and Asian lions in the Animal island.
    You can see night animals in the Night World exhibition.

  5. Георгий Крндрашёв.
    — Do you like going to the zoo? Yes I like going to the zoo.
    — Where do you visit a zoo? In the cafe.
    — What animals can you see there? Different, such as giraffe and elephant
    — What do you know about the Moscow Zoo?
    A lot of things like that it's big
    — Did you visit the Moscow Zoo? No I haven't
    — What animals did you see there? I wasn't there at all
    —What sections can you find in the Zoo? Sections of carnivores and herbivores
    — What can you see in each section? Animals

  6. I do not like go to the Zoo because animals sit in cages.
    Many types of animals you can see in Zoo.I don not visit a Moscow Zoo.
    Влад Платонов 6В

    1. в задании было 8 вопросов.3 предложения в качестве ответа НЕДОСТАТОЧНО. Нужно переделать

  7. Moscow Zoo is one of largest in the world! The Moscow Zoo covers an area of 21,5 hectares which is home to 6000 of 1001 different species. I didn't visit The Moscow Zoo.
    I can see monkeys, lions, bears and snow leopard in the Moscow Zoo.
    I can see Aquarium, Animal island and Exotarium in the Moscow Zoo.
    Aquarium is full of colourfull fish.
    You can see Amur tigers, a white snow leopard, Himalayan bears and Asian lions in the Animal island.
    You can see night animals in the Night World exhibition.

  8. 1)Yes i like to go the zoo
    2)I go to the zoo in Alexander park
    3)In the zoo i can see a polar bear,a monke, a parrot, a hadgehog and a squirrle
    4)Moscow zoo is locad in the center of Moscow.This is one of the oldest zoos.This zoo was created in 1864.Moscow zoo is one of the dozens of The most visited zoos in the world; there were up to 3mln 800000 thousand people a year
    6)I was not in the Moscow zoo but i saw animals in the st.Petersburg zoo
    7)In the zoo, i can see sections such as repteles of bird,fish and mamals
    8)In the reptile section, I CAN see a crocodile, a snake in the fish section, i can see a shark or clown fish in the bird section, i can see penguins, an owl or flamingo in the mammals section, i can see a lion, pantera, zebra or bear

    мананников илья

  9. 1) I think what yes, i like going to the zoo.
    2) I usually visit a zoo in Saint-Petersburg or Moscow.
    3) Wolves, monkeys, elephants, lions, snakes, giraffes, bears, fish, alligators, pandas, koalas, tigers, kangaroos, orangutans, emus, lynxes, hyenas, penguins, flamingoes, raccoons, turtles, leopards, gorillas, cheetahs, goats, owls, white whales and etc.
    4) The Moscow Zoo is one of the largest in the world! This zoo is in the centre of Moscow. The Moscow Zoo covers an area of 21,5 hectares which is home to 6000 of 1001 different species.
    5)Yes, i visited this zoo.
    6) Elephants, wolves, snow leopard, raccoons, penguins and etc.
    7) Reptiles, fish, birds, mammals.
    8) Reptiles:
    - alligators;
    - turtles;
    - snakes;
    - and etc.
    - clown fish;
    - sharks;
    - and etc.
    - parrots;
    - owls;
    - penguins;
    - flamingoes;
    - emus;
    - and etc.
    - lions;
    - tigers;
    - bears;
    - lynxes;
    - wolves;
    - elephants;
    - white whales;
    - and etc.
    Петропавловская Диана 6в

  10. -yes,i like visitihg such plase, because i like animals.
    -I visited the zoo in Saint-Peterburg,in Annapa,in Sochi.
    - I can see bears,leopard, monkeys,wolves these.
    - As for i know,the Moskow Zoo is one of the largest in the world.
    - yes, I visited the Moskow Zoo last year and I want to visit it once again. - I can see tigers,birds,zebras, parrots.
    - In each section. I can see fishes,reptiles, birds.

  11. Малько Михаил 6В
    -Yes,it's interesting
    -I always visit the Leningradskiy Zoo
    -I always see leopard, gorilla, squirrel and tiger.

    -In the Moscow Zoo 10531 individuals
    -No, I didn't
    -I don't know, becouse I didn't go then

    -Fish section, predators section, and so on...

    1. see leopard, gorilla, squirrel and tiger- какое число?
      In the Moscow Zoo 10531 individuals-?
      becАuse I didn't go theRE
      Оценка 4-


  12. 1) Yes, I like to go to the zoo.
    2) I go to the zoo in St. Petersburg.
    3) I can see there Pandas, goats, animals of the cat family (tiger, lion, jaguar), polar and brown bears (etc.)
    4)The Moscow Zoo is one of the largest in the world! This zoo is in the centre of Moscow. The Moscow Zoo covers an area of 21,5 hectares which is home to 6000 of 1001 different species.
    5) no, I did not dedicate it.
    6) I was not there, but there you can see horses, pandas, hyenas, wolves, toads, zebra, etc.
    7)Reptiles, fish, birds, mammals
    8) Reptiles: crocodiles, lizard, chameleon, turtles, other fish: clown fish, sharks, mackerel, and other birds: penguins, owls, eagle owls, hawks, etc.   mammals: bears, horses, lions, tigers, pandas, etc.

    Челядинова Юлиана

  13. Челядинова Елизавета.
    1) Да, я очень люблю ходить в зоопарк!
    2) я хожу в зоопарк в Санкт-Петербурге.
    3) я вижу там обезьян, коз, попугаев , белых медведей ,львов.
    4) Московский зоопарк-один из самых больших в мире! Этот зоопарк находится в самом центре Москвы. Московский зоопарк занимает площадь в 21,5 гектара, где обитает 6000 из 1001 различных видов животных.
    5) Нет, я его не посвящала.
    6) Меня там не было, но там можно увидеть зебр, панд, гиен, ящериц, жаб,павлинов и т. д.
    7) рептилии, рыбы, птицы, млекопитающие
    8) пресмыкающиеся: крокодилы, ящерицы, черепахи ; рыбы: Рыба-клоун, акулы, рыбы камни ; птицы: пингвины, совы, орлы, туканы и т. д. млекопитающие: антилопы, дельфины , львы, тигры, панды и т. д.

    1. Лизонька, ответы очень хорошие, но должны быть на АНГЛИЙСКОМ. Нужно переделать

  14. Илья Лаптев 6в
    I like to visit zoos.
    I visited the zoo at the Gorkovskaya station.
    I saw bears,lions, monkeys,shakes,a chameleon,leopards,owls,alligators,fish, jellyfish and more.
    There is a herbi vollous section and a predatory section.
    Can be seen predatory and rerbiroves.

  15. Герасимов Егор 6в

    -yes i going to the zoo it`s very interesting.
    - i go to the lenengradskiy zoo.
    -from fly to giraffe.
    -Moscow zoo it`s one of the largest in the word. Moscow zoo is home to 6000 of 1001 difirent species.
    - no, didn`t be at the Moscow zoo, but i want go there very much.
    -i can see many animals.birds, mammals, fish and many other animals
    -i can see a island, aquarium, night word, childen`s zoo.
    -in the island zone i can see a Amur tigers,a white snow leopard, Himalayan bears, Asian lions and emu. In the aquarium zone i can see a fish and aligators. In the night word zone i can see a night animals. And in the children`s zoo zone i can see a animal`s child

  16. Даниил Иванов 6а
    i didn't like go to zoo
    i visit zoo in Saint Petersburg
    in the zoo you can see animals from different countries of the world: from Australia, America, Africa, Russia and even from Greenland
    Moscow Zoo occupies 21.5 hectares of land, it contains animals from around the world, this is a house for 6000 animals
    I did not visit the Moscow zoo and could not see the animals in it
    in the Moscow zoo there are departments called animal island in which there are Amur tigers, snow leopard, Himalayan emu bears and Asian lions
    there is an aquarium with different fish

  17. 1 Yes I like going to the zoo
    2 I usually go to the St.Petersburgs zoo
    3 I can see there elephants ,tigers ,lopards ,cubs and many others
    4 During the opening of the zoo, there were about 300 animals in it, mainly representing the fauna of Russia - bears, wolves, foxes, hares and so on. However, it could not do without exotics: the Russian emperor Alexander the Second gave the zoo an elephant, and the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich - a rhino. The following prices were set for visitors: on holidays - 10 kopecks, on Thursdays - 50 kopecks, and on other days - 20 kopecks.
    5 No, I didn't moscow zoo, but i vizited St.Peterburg zoo
    6 I saw tigers,monkeys and wolves
    7 I saw aquarium and animal zone
    8 in the island zone i can see a Amur tigers,a white snow leopard, Himalayan bears and Asian lions . In the aquarium zone i can see a fish and aligators. In the night word zone i can see a night animals
    Здраствуйте это домашняя работа ДМИТРИЯ ЛЕВКИНА на 09.04.2020

  18. 1.yes, it's very interesting
    2.i visit a zoo in Helsinki
    3.fish,snakes,Insects,birds and more
    4.one of largest in the world, covers an area of 21,5 hectares which is home to 6000 of 1001 different species
    6.Amur tigers, white snow leopard, Himalayan bears and more
    7. mammal, birds, reptiles, fish
    8.birds-penguin,owl, emu
    Reptiles-turtle, snake alligator
    Mammal-lion, zebra,bear
    Fish-clown fish, shark, puffer fish
    Волынкин Илья 6В

  19. 1.yes, it's very interesting
    2.i visit a zoo in Helsinki
    3.fish,snakes,Insects,birds and more
    4.one of largest in the world, covers an area of 21,5 hectares which is home to 6000 of 1001 different species
    6.Amur tigers, white snow leopard, Himalayan bears and more
    7. mammal, birds, reptiles, fish
    8.birds-penguin,owl, emu
    Reptiles-turtle, snake alligator
    Mammal-lion, zebra,bear
    Fish-clown fish, shark, puffer fish
    Волынкин Илья 6В

  20. Корешонков Михаил 6В

    1.Yes,i like going to the zoo,'cause I can see a lots of animals there.But I dont like conception of a zoo, 'cause animals are in dirty small cages , and they eat very bad food and get a lot of stress every day.
    2. I visited zoos at Saint-Petersburg,Helsinki (Capital Of Finland) and Tallin(Capital of Estonia).
    3. A lots of wild animals like tigers ,lians ,girrafs and etc. And you can see some farm animals like goats,pigs and etc.
    4. Its a very big zoo with very big area and a lot of animals
    5.No ,I dont live in Moscow and rarely visit this city.
    6.I didnt see any animals 'cause I wasn't there.
    8. Reptiles - turtle,snake,alligator
    Birds - Penguin,owl,emo,parrot
    Mammal - Lion,zebra,bear
    Fish - Puffer fish,clown fish,shark

  21. 1)No,because I never were at the zoo.
    2)I werent visit any zoo.
    3)You could saw bears, tigers, leopards and more.
    4)It,s placed at the Moscow.
    5)No, I never visit any zoo.
    6)I never were at Moscow zoo.
    7)You can found an Animal island, Aquarium, Night world.
    8)In Animal island you can saw ordinary animals, in Aquarium you can saw ocean creatures and in Night world you can saw creatures that shows active only at the night.

  22. Екимова Виолетта 6а
    -Yes, I like to go to the zoo!
    -I visit the zoo in St. Petersburg.
    -In the zoo you can see almost all the animals.
    - I don’t know anything about the Moscow Zoo.
    - No, I didn’t attend.
    -Since I was not there any animals I did not see.
    -Mammals, reptiles, birds.

  23. I don't like going to zoo, bexause it's boring.
    I visited zoo in Saint Petersburg and in Sevastopol.
    You can see a lot of animals. Reptiles, birds, mammals, fishs.
    Moscow zoo is a very popular zoo.There are over 7000 species.
    I didn't visit Moscow zoo.
    I don't know, because I didn't visit Moscow zoo.
    Bird, fish mammal, repyiles.
    Bird- emu, crane, penguin.
    Fish-shark, white whale.
    Mammal- jaguar, giraffe, orangutan.
    Reptiles- alligator, python, turtle.

    Сухачёв Никита 6В

  24. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  25. Охаре Александр 6В

    Yes, I like going to the zoo, it's interesting and fun!
    I visited the zoo in St. Petersburg.
    There are a lot of animals! There are mammals, fish, reptiles, all kinds of birds, predators and very cute animals.
    I don't really know much about the Moscow zoo. I haven't been there. I think it has a lot of interesting species.
    Zoo has indoor and outdoor sections. There is fish section, reptile section, insect section...
    Fish section has all kinds of colorful fish as well as crocodiles and alligators.
    Mammal section includes: different groups of animals like monkeys, lions, big cats, giraffes, elephants, etc.
    Bird section has eagles, falcons, condors, parrots, flamingo,
    peacocks, penguin, ostrich and soo on.
    There are a lot of sections in the zoo and even more animals.
    Its good that many of those animals have their sponsors to help them to live better!

  26. Усачева Мария 6А
    1) Yes I like to go to the zoo
    2) I visit the zoo in St. Petersburg
    3) Wolves goats lions giraffes elephants mebedean tigers monkeys hippopotamus lemurs owls peacocks snakes leopards penguins raccoons
    4) Moscow Zoo - one of the largest in the world! This zoo is located in the center of Moscow. Moscow Zoo covers an area of ​​21.5 hectares, which is inhabited by 6,000 of 1,001 species.
    5) No, I did not visit the Moscow Zoo
    6) Elephants of the snakes and other snakes
    7) Reptiles, fish, birds, mammals
    8) Reptiles:
    -Clown fish
    -The Bears

  27. Макарчук Влада 6а
    1)Yes, i really like going to zoo.
    2)I visit the zoo in St. Petersburg
    3)In the zoo you can see many animals. Usually there are birds, monkeys, sometimes lions and tigers
    4) Moscow Zoo covers an area of ​​20 hectares, which is home to more than 7,000 different species. The zoo also received many exotic animals and birds.
    5)No, I did not visit the Moscow Zoo
    6)I did not visit the Moscow zoo
    7)birds, predators and herbivores, fish
    Birds: Parrots, Ostriches
    Predators: Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Foxes
    Herbivores: Camels, deer, horses

  28. Захарова Арина 6а
    1)Yes,I do.
    2)I visit zoo in St.Petersburg
    3)In the zoo i camn see many mammals,reptiles and birds.
    4)Moscow Zoo is the one of the largest in the world.
    5)No,i didn't
    6)I didnt visit the Moscow Zoo
    7)reptile section, section with mammals and section with birds

  29. -Yes, I would like to.
    -I can go to the Saint Petersburg zoo.
    -I would like to see monkeys: macaques, gorillas, baboons.
    -I know that the Moscow zoo is very large and beautiful.
    -no, I didn't.
    -predators: lions, leopards, tigers, jaguars. reptiles: Python, Cobra, Viper, alligator, crocodile, lizard. birds: herons, penguin, Pelican, ostrich, Hummingbird, owl.

    1. не все вопросы!!!
      I would like to- Откуда would?
      Оценка 4-

  30. 1. Yes, I like the zoo.
    2. I haven't visit the zoo in a long time.
    3. I can see an owls, tigers, wolfs, parrots, bears, pandas,
    foxes and more animals.
    4. The Moscow zoo is very big.
    5. I never visit Moscow zoo.
    6. I think there is many animals.
    7. It can be terrarium, aquarium, corrals, vallier.
    8. in the vallier can be moncey, in terrarium can be lizard, in corrals can be oxes and in aquariums can be tropical fishes.
    Егор Болобохин

  31. Челядинова 6 В
    1) I really like to visit the zoo ! 2) I visit the zoo in Saint Petersburg 3) I saw birds there: owls, eagles and hawks, nocturnal animals: bats, predators: jaguars, tigers and lions, herbivores: horses, camels, reptiles: crocodiles, snakes and waterfowl: fish 4)The Moscow zoo is one of the largest in the world , it covers an area of 21.5 hectares , where 6000 of 1001 different species of animals live . 5) I haven't visited the Moscow zoo yet 6) turtles , snakes, crocodiles, lions, hedgehogs , hyenas; 7) Reptiles, fish, birds, mammals 8 )Reptiles:
    ,alligators , snakes.

    clown fish; sharks;

    owls; penguins; flamingoes; emus;

    lynxes; wolves; elephants;white whales;

  32. 1)I like going to the Zoo. 2)I visit the Zoo in SPg. 3)I can see bears,birds,lions,crocodiles. 4)There are a lot of animales and birds.5)I did not visit a Moscow Zoo.6)I think its bears,tigers,lions,crocodiles,birds,elefants,fox,girafes.7)I fought bears,lions,birds sections.8)lion,zebra,bear.

  33. I like going to the zoo. I usually visit the Leningrad zoo. I see alpacas, wolves, lions.

    Moscow zoo is one of the largest in the world! The Moscow zoo covers an area of 21.5 hectares, where 6000 of 1001 different species of animals live. I haven't been to the Moscow zoo.
    In the Moscow zoo, I see pandas, lions, bears and aardvarks.
    I see an Aquarium, sections for different classes of animals in the Moscow zoo.
    Fish in the aquarium.
    Mammals: common jackals, steppe marmots, large pandas.
    Birds: Nicobar pigeons, pink starlings.
    And many other animals are full in the Moscow zoo.
    Веселов Владимир 6А

    1. haven't been to- вопрос в каком времени?
      На вопросы даем полные ответы.
      Оценка 5-
