понедельник, 6 апреля 2020 г.

Задание на 11.04.2020 10 класс

1) Работаем с текстом с.128-129 (читаем, переводим)
2) Выполняем упражнения №1,3,4,5,6; задать 8 вопросов (разных видов) к тексту  и пишем свои ответы в комментариях с обязательным указанием своих ИМЕНИ И ФАМИЛИИ (чтобы оставить комментарий, воспользуйтесь почтой gmail) или на почту seba81@bk.ru

Вопросы:(выполнить до 12.04.2020) 

31 комментарий:

  1. 1) I see appalling and dark theatre. The music might be taken from The Phantom of the Opera. I think the book is about a ghost in a theatre.

    3) 1. 4
    2. 2
    3. 2
    4. 2
    5. 1
    6. 2
    7. 3

    4) 1 at ease
    2 quarrelling
    3 vanished
    4 practical joke
    5 fled
    6 plainly
    7 stalked

    5)1 flowers - Jammes
    2 plums - Giry
    3 ink - Giry
    4 a shadow - the ghost
    5 a drum - the ghost's face

    6)The phantom is described as very thin, with deep eyes, with an unhealthy looking skin. The phantom looks different and he doesn't look as unhealthy as his description in text

  2. (Агафонов Александр)

    1. D
    2. B
    3. B
    4. B
    5. A
    6. C

    1. Relaxed — at ease;
    2. Arguing — quarreling;
    3. Disappeared — vanished;
    4. Trick — practical joke;
    5. Run away — fled;
    6. Clearly — plainly;
    7. Walked in a stiff, angry way — stalking;
    1. Retirement — the action or fact of leaving one`s job and ceasing to work.
    2. Invaded — (of an armed force or its commander) enter (a country or region) so as to subjugate or occupy it.
    3. Rushed — move with urgent haste.
    4. Resigning — voluntarily leave a job or other position.
    5. Upturned — turn (something) upward or upside down.
    6. Trembling — shake involuntary, typically as a result of anxiety, excitement or frailty.
    7. Engraving — a print made from an engraved plate, block, or other surface.
    8. Brats — a child, typically a badly behaved one.
    9. Superstitious — having or showing a belief in superstitions.
    10. Shook — upset the composure of; shock or astonish.
    11. Complexion — the natural color, texture and appearance of a person`s skin, especially of the face.
    12. Rubbish — very bad; worthless or useless.
    13. Dared — take the risk of; brave.
    14. Specter — a ghost.
    15. Undertaker — a person whose business is preparing dead bodies for burial or cremation and making arrangements for funeral.
    16. Legend — a traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but unauthorized.
    17. Peculiar — strange or odd; unusual.
    18. Extraordinarily — very unusually.
    19. Pupils — the dark circular opening in the center of the iris of the eye, varying in size to regulate the amount of light reaching the retina.
    20. Locks — a piece of a person`s hair that coils or hangs together.
    1. Known the glories — it was a time when the opera was much more popular.
    2. It seemed a palace — it looks like a big palace.
    3. Dropped with a moan — fell down.
    4. A poor little skin stretched over poor little bones — He was scrawny.
    5. Grew to enormous proportions — get bigger and bigger.
    6. Those who laughed the loudest were not the most at ease — People who tried not to show their fear, but who actually were the most afraid.
    7. He betrayed his presence — made himself seen.
    8. So little — too small.

    1. Flowers: Jammes` face features.
    It was little Jammes — the girl with the upturned nose, the forget-me-not eyes, the rose-red cheeks and the lily-white neck…
    2. Plums; ink: Giry`s eyes, hair.
    Then, little Giry — the girl with eyes black as plums, hair black as ink…
    3. A shadow: the Phantom.
    …this well-dressed ghost, who stalked about the building, like a shadow…
    4. A drum: the Phantom`s skin.
    His skin, which is stretched across his bones like a drum…

    The questions:
    1. Had the chief stage designer met the ghost?
    2. Was Sorelli a principal dancer?
    3. How was decorated Sorelli`s dressing room?
    4. How was the Phantom dressed?
    5. Who was very superstitious?
    6. Was the Phantom`s skin white or yellow?
    7. The ghost walked silently, didn`t he?
    8. Sorelli`s mother had known the glories, hadn`t she?

  3. Максим Трофимов
    Homework 11.04.2020:



    1at ease
    4practical joke
    4a shadow-the ghost
    5a drum-the ghost's face
    1Did the ghost walk silently or noisily?
    2What were the features of the phantom costume?
    3The ghost's skin was yellow, wasn't it?
    4Who was very superstitious?
    5Did Sorelli's mother know glorious?
    6The chief stage designer met with a ghost, right?
    7Was Sorelli superstitious?
    8Was Sorelli a principal dancer?

  4. Горина Елизавета

    3. 1)D
    4.(A)1)Relaxed - at ease;
    2)Arguing - quarreling;
    3)Disappeared - vanished;
    4)Trick - practical joke;
    5)Run away - fled;
    6)Clearly - plainly;
    7)Walked in a stiff, angry way - stalking;
    (B) retirement - the point in life where one has given up full-time work
    invaded - entered a place at once in a way that was difficult to cope with
    rushed - ran quickly
    resigning - just about to retire or leave a job
    upturned - pointing upwards
    trembling - shaking
    engraving - a picture or design that has been cut into a surface
    brats - very troublesome children
    superstitious - believing in something whose existence cannot be proved by science eg. magic, bad luck
    shook - made small involuntary movements due to fear or cold
    complexion - the skin on a person's face
    rubbish - silly talk or waste
    dared - was courageous enough to try or do something
    spectre - a ghost-like figure
    undertaker - person who organises funerals and buries people
    legend - a story about mythical or supernatural beings or events
    peculiar - strange
    extraordinarily - extremely well
    pupils - the dark part of the eyes
    locks - bunches of hairs that grow together
    (C) Known the glories - she lived in a time when the opera was much more spectacular
    It seemed a palace - it looks like a big palace
    Dropped with a moan - fell down
    A poor little skin stretched over poor little bones -
    she was poor, hungry and very thin
    Grew to enormous proportions - get bigger and bigger
    Those who laughed the loudest were not the most at ease - people who tried not to show their fear, but who actually were the most afraid
    He betrayed his presence - he revealed himself
    So little - too small
    5. 1)flowers - Jammes
    2)plums - Giry
    3)ink - Giry
    4)a shadow - the ghost
    5)a drum - the ghost's face
    The questions:
    1) Sorelli was the lead ballerina of the theatre, wasn't she?
    2) What color were Giry's eyes?
    3) Where did the stage main worker encounter a ghost?
    4)Was the skin of the ghost white or yellow?
    5) What did the Phantom of the Opera look like?
    6) The Phantom of the Opera was incredibly thin, wasn't it?
    7)How was Sorelli's dressing room left?
    8)Did Opera workers believe in the existence of phantom?

  5. 12.04.2020
    Егор Бредихин, ученик 10б класса
    Ответы на домашнее задание ниже:


    Ex. 3

    Ex. 4
    1) at ease
    2) quarrelling
    3) vanished
    4) practical joke
    5) fled
    6) plainly
    7) stalked

    Ex. 5
    1) flowers-Jammes
    2) plums-Giry
    3) ink-Giry
    4) a shadow-the ghost
    5) a drum-the ghost's face

    1) Did the ghost walk silently or noisily?
    2) What were the features of the phantom costume?
    3) The ghost's skin was yellow, wasn't it?
    4) Who was very superstitious?
    5) Did Sorelli's mother know glorious?
    6) The chief stage designer met with a ghost, right?
    7) Was Sorelli superstitious?
    8) Was Sorelli a principal dancer?

  6. chernikov 10A
    at ease;quarrelling;vanished;practical joke;fled;plainly;stalked
    jammes to flowers;plums to giry;ink to giry;shadow to the ghost;drum to the ghost
    Had the chief stage designer met the ghost?
    How was the Phantom dressed?
    was the Phantom`s skin white or yellow?
    The ghost walked silently, didn`t he?
    What were the features of the phantom costume?
    Did Sorelli's mother know glorious?
    is Sorelli superstitious?

  7. Прямосудов Сергей

    1- 4
    2- 2
    3- 2
    4- 2
    5- 1
    6- 2
    7- 3

    1at ease
    4practical joke
    4a shadow-the ghost
    5a drum-the ghost's face

    1Did the ghost walk silently or noisily?
    2What were the features of the phantom costume?
    3The ghost's skin was yellow, wasn't it?
    4Who was very superstitious?
    5Did Sorelli's mother know glorious?
    6The chief stage designer met with a ghost, right?
    7Was Sorelli superstitious?
    8Was Sorelli a principal dancer?

    1. Где в №3 седьмое предложение?
      Нет задания 1,6

  8. Егор Уваркин 10б


    1.at ease
    4.practical joke

    1.the Jammes' neck
    4.the ghost
    5.the ghost's skin

    Of course beacause of we see the actor, we see the human who doesn't look like a skeleton. Only mask remimeds us that who wee see

    1.How was decorated Sorelli's dressing room?
    2.Did she believed Jammes, when she was told a out the ghost?
    3.What did Giry look like?
    4.What did the ghost look like?
    5.Who was spoken to the Ghost?
    6.How was the ghost dressed?
    7.When Sorelli was told about the ghost?
    8.Why she was angry?

    1. Нет №1, в упр.3 ошибка в четвертом пункте, в №5 (1- только Jammes, 5-the ghost's face)
      Ошибки в вопросах 1,2,7,8.

  9. Цыганов Кирилл 10б
    1) I see appalling and dark theatre. The music might be taken from The Phantom of the Opera. I think the book is about a ghost in a theatre.
    3) 1. 4
    2. 3
    3. 2
    4. 2
    5. 2
    6. 2
    7. 3
    4) 1 at ease
    2 quarrelling
    3 vanished
    4 practical joke
    5 fled
    6 plainly
    7 stalked
    5)1 flowers - Jammes
    2 plums - Giry
    3 ink - Giry
    4 a shadow - the ghost
    5 a drum - the ghost's face
    6)The phantom is described as very thin, with deep eyes, with an unhealthy looking skin. The phantom looks different and he doesn't look as unhealthy as his description in text

  10. Карапетян Анна 10б
    дз 11.04

    1. D
    2. B
    3. B
    4. B
    5. A
    6. B
    7. C

    1. at ease
    2. quarrelling
    3. vanished
    4. practical joke
    5. fled
    6. plainly
    7. stalked

    1. flowers-Jammes
    2. plums-Giry
    3. ink-Giry
    4. a shadow-the ghost
    5. a drum-the ghost's face

    1. Was Sorelli a principal dancer?
    2. Was the Sorelli dressing room decorated elegantly?
    3. Did the chief theater director see a ghost for a second or two?
    4. Was Sollery superstitious or skeptical?
    5. What were the features of the phantom costume?
    6. Does the ghost's skin look disgusting yellow?
    7. James has a white neck, doesn't he?
    8. The ghost's nose is so small it's invisible on the side, isn't it?

  11. Романчук Фёдор 10А

    1. D
    2. B
    3. B
    4. B
    5. A
    6. C

    1. Relaxed — at ease;
    2. Arguing — quarreling;
    3. Disappeared — vanished;
    4. Trick — practical joke;
    5. Run away — fled;
    6. Clearly — plainly;
    7. Walked in a stiff, angry way — stalking;
    1. Retirement — the action or fact of leaving one`s job and ceasing to work.
    2. Invaded — (of an armed force or its commander) enter (a country or region) so as to subjugate or occupy it.
    3. Rushed — move with urgent haste.
    4. Resigning — voluntarily leave a job or other position.
    5. Upturned — turn (something) upward or upside down.
    6. Trembling — shake involuntary, typically as a result of anxiety, excitement or frailty.
    7. Engraving — a print made from an engraved plate, block, or other surface.
    8. Brats — a child, typically a badly behaved one.
    9. Superstitious — having or showing a belief in superstitions.
    10. Shook — upset the composure of; shock or astonish.
    11. Complexion — the natural color, texture and appearance of a person`s skin, especially of the face.
    12. Rubbish — very bad; worthless or useless.
    13. Dared — take the risk of; brave.
    14. Specter — a ghost.
    15. Undertaker — a person whose business is preparing dead bodies for burial or cremation and making arrangements for funeral.
    16. Legend — a traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but unauthorized.
    17. Peculiar — strange or odd; unusual.
    18. Extraordinarily — very unusually.
    19. Pupils — the dark circular opening in the center of the iris of the eye, varying in size to regulate the amount of light reaching the retina.
    20. Locks — a piece of a person`s hair that coils or hangs together.
    1. Known the glories — it was a time when the opera was much more popular.
    2. It seemed a palace — it looks like a big palace.
    3. Dropped with a moan — fell down.
    4. A poor little skin stretched over poor little bones — He was scrawny.
    5. Grew to enormous proportions — get bigger and bigger.
    6. Those who laughed the loudest were not the most at ease — People who tried not to show their fear, but who actually were the most afraid.
    7. He betrayed his presence — made himself seen.
    8. So little — too small.

    1. Flowers: Jammes` face features.
    It was little Jammes — the girl with the upturned nose, the forget-me-not eyes, the rose-red cheeks and the lily-white neck…
    2. Plums; ink: Giry`s eyes, hair.
    Then, little Giry — the girl with eyes black as plums, hair black as ink…
    3. A shadow: the Phantom.
    …this well-dressed ghost, who stalked about the building, like a shadow…
    4. A drum: the Phantom`s skin.
    His skin, which is stretched across his bones like a drum…

    1. Who Sorelli was?
    2. Had the chief stage designer met the ghost?
    3. How was decorated Sorelli`s dressing room?
    4. Who was very superstitious?
    5. How was the Phantom dressed?
    6. How was Sorelli's dressing room left?
    7. What was the colour of the Phantom`s skin?
    8. Did Opera workers believe in the existence of phantom?

  12. Голодаева Даша 10б
    Домашняя работа 11.04.2020
    1. D
    2. B
    3. B
    4. B
    5. A
    6. B
    7. C
    1. at ease
    2. quarrelling
    3. vanished
    4. practical joke
    5. fled
    6. plainly
    7. stalked
    1. flowers-Jammes
    2. plums-Giry
    3. ink-Giry
    4. a shadow-the ghost
    5. a drum-the ghost's face
    1. Was Sorelli a principal dancer?
    2. Was Sorelli superstitious?
    3. How was Sorelli's dressing room left?
    4. Did the ghost walk silently or noisily?
    5. Does the ghost's skin look disgusting yellow?
    6. Did Sorelli's mother know glorious?
    7. How was the Phantom dressed?
    8. Did the chief theater director see a ghost for a second or two?

    1. Нет №1,6. В №3 всего 6 вопросов, в шестом ошибка

  13. Веселов Иван 10б
    1. I see appalling and dark theatre. The music might be taken
    from The Phantom of the Opera. I think the book is about a ghost in a theatre.

    3. 1) 4
    2) 2
    3) 2
    4) 2
    5) 1
    6) 2
    7) 3

    4. 1 at ease
    2 quarrelling
    3 vanished
    4 practical joke
    5 fled
    6 plainly
    7 stalked

    5.1) flowers - Jammes
    2) plums - Giry
    3) ink - Giry
    4)a shadow - the ghost
    5) a drum - the ghost's face

    6.The phantom is described as very thin, with deep eyes, with an unhealthy looking skin. The phantom looks different and he doesn't look as unhealthy as his description in text

    1. В №3 всего 6 вопросов, в шестом ошибка.
      Где вопросы к тексту-?
